
A Line-up of Leading Instructors, Educators, and Strategists Across All Disciplines

  • 10 Years of Accumulated Know-how
  • A Refined Course Registration System Designed to Allocate Students by Skill-level
  • Realistic Test-taking Environments, Post-exam Analysis, and Supplementary Classes Tailored to the Individual Student
  • Post-exam Analysis to Pinpoint Weaknesses and Tailor Long-term Strategies
  • Complimentary Lessons to Accommodate Score Trends





As the college admissions process becomes increasingly competitive, GPA and AP scores become all the more important.
As a result, the instructors at Bluekey Prep, through years of accumulated experience, guide students so that they can ace their school classes and the AP exams.


Pre-SAT Course

In this SAT preparation course, students familiarize themselves with required high school readings and exam questions

SAT Intensive Course

In this course, students refine and perfect the skills required for the SAT

SAT Test Prep Course

This is the final stage in the preparation process for the SAT. Through mock tests in realistic test-taking environments and intensive post-exam review, students work toward their desired scores.

Junior Program

What Does it Mean to be a Competitive Student?

In order for students to maintain a competitive edge,
it is crucial that they refine their fundamental English
skills, regardless of the type of assessment they
are undergoing. As a result, the Jr. Elite Program
places great importance on fostering students
who they have the necessary language skills
to shine at the top US universities.


Students must accumulate background knowledge
by reading a diverse range of texts in the scientific,
political, economic, and literary disciplines.
At Bluekey Prep, students are taught to read actively
and engage critically with the text, learning not
only to discern the author’s purpose and logic,
but also to develop sophisticated arguments.
This kind of critical mindset will continue to be
fundamental for success in the SAT/AP/IB.


Much of AP/GPA/IB scores are based on the written exam. As a result, writing ability is critical. Students must not only learn to logically frame their argument, they must also be able to adapt their writing to a variety of different styles and objectives. In order for student to express themselves in a creative and sophisticated manner, they must amass the necessary background information through their readings and invest countless hours of practice into essay writing.

By progressing through these stages, students will be able to compete at the highest level, not only in their high schools, but in various competitions as well

Beginner Level

Students focus on accumulating background knowledge while developing competitive language skills

Intermediate Level

Students focus on supplementing and perfecting existing language skills

Advanced Level

Students focus on maximizing scores and results

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